38 weeks
Here we are. J is 38 weeks pregnant.
The above pic' is not J. She is much more beautiful than that. We are going to make a body cast tomorrow (hopefully!). There is no time to waste, as the babby has already dropped in her belly, and she could go into labour at virtually any minute.
We are as ready as we can be. The "crash bag" is packed, we have the kit to collect the umbilical cord blood, my camera is ready - with batteries charged, the video camera is ready - with 5 blank tapes and two charged batteries. We have the baby seat in the car. I have two packs of smokes packed. We have a bassinette, crib, change table, breast pump, contact numbers, e-mail addresses, popsicles (for labour), homeopathic remedies (for pain and swelling), perinial wash tea, babby clothes, money in the bank, no names..., and so much more, and less.
I am putting together music for the labour and birth - I hope to have Maria Callas singing O, mi babbino caro when the babby is actually born. And you wonder why I have not been posting here? I have been up to my elbows in aggravated elephants, and having a hard time making lucid posts every day at my real estate blog. What will happen to it all when the squalling babby arrives?
We know not whether it is a boy, or a girl, but we are both hoping for a girl. I will post here as soon as we know (and I have a chance...).
My apologies to any who have been checking for scintillating and/or salacious details of my life. It's been hard to keep up...