cleaner air?...Beta 2.0
In an earlier post here I wrote about the (neo)Conservatives' "Green Plan" (makes me green around the gills).
Yesterday I stumbled upon this blog - Far and Wide (a good read), and was led to Progressive Bloggers, where I found this countdown clock to cleaner air.
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"Lord Kitchener's Own" wrote;
I wonder what the internet will be like, far in the future, when the clock hits 0.
Of course, I also wonder what the WORLD will be like in 2050 when the Conservatives hit their target of 50% reductions in Greenhouse Gas emmissions.
I hope we still have Polar Bears!
I'll only be 75, so I should make it and see.
I'm not sure if I'll live long enough to see them raise PEI back out of the ocean again, though. One can always hope!
My only criticism of this clock is that it is actually 16,060 days until the target is reached (Edit - Steve V from Far and Wide commented that the clock was keyed to smog and ozone, and that the emissions targets are for 2050. My apologies for any misrepresentation.), and as LKO says ...After 44 years of unquestioned Tory rule, I'd imagine it'll be a very different place indeed.
You can get the code for this counter @ Progressive Bloggers if you want to put it on your own blog or web page (I believe that Steve V wrote the code).
James Lovelock (the author of the Gaia Hypothesis) wikipedia link predicted that by 2100 there would be only 200,000,000 people surviving on this planet - concentrated above the Arctic Circle. 6.1 billion people will have starved, drowned, or been stricken by emerging diseases. This prediction is only 94 years away from fruition (?), and as we prepare for the birth of a child in February, I wonder what hell we are bringing this child into. My old Grandma always said to me to "get some land where you can grow some food", and I believe her prescience was accurate. The thing is though, it will be hard to defend that food against 6.1 billion starving people.
I have always thought that there have been 5 great civilizations of mankind on Earth (the present one being the fifth - the fourth was the Atlantean civilization), and that there will be another "cleansing". The sick part of it is that our greed and rapaciousness will be our own undoing, and the undoing of the innocents not yet born.
Man, I hate Mondays.
That number is for smog and ozone targets, I think you are speaking about the emissions targets- I couldn't count that high :)
Thanks for the clarification Steve. I guess the smog has fogged my comprehension and retention of information. :-(
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